速報APP / 教育 / Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:201-B,Nishadham Blgd,1/5, Chipale,Panvel,Navi Mumbai-410206,Maharashtra, India

Industrial Engineering(圖1)-速報App

► This Industrial Engineering app consists various important topics, which is very useful for every Industrial engineers.✦

【Topics Covered Based On Below Concepts】

*Definition Of Industrial Engineering

*What Is The Function Of Industrial Engineering ?

*Industrial Economics And Management

Industrial Engineering(圖2)-速報App

*Process Planning

*Process of Manufacture

*Just-In-Time Techniques, Manufacturing Resource Planning, And Production Control

*Total Quality Control

*Optimization Techniques

Industrial Engineering(圖3)-速報App

*Queuing Theory

*Wage Administration

*Cost Accounting

*Classifications Of Costs

*Elements Of Costs

Industrial Engineering(圖4)-速報App

*Activity-Based Costing

*Management And The Control Function

*Types Of Cost Systems

*Capital-Expenditure Decisions

*Engineering Statistics And Quality Control

Industrial Engineering(圖5)-速報App

*Characterizing Observational Data: The Average And Standard Deviation

*Methods Engineering

*Principles Of Motion Study

*Cost Of Electric Power

*Constructed Plant Costs

Industrial Engineering(圖6)-速報App

*Nuclear Plants

*Human Factors And Ergonomics

*Skills And Errors

*Manual Control

*Automatic Manufacturing

Industrial Engineering(圖7)-速報App